Britt Clampitt 4/21/2022

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (April 21, 2022) — The City of Charlotte's Arts and Culture Advisory Board on Tuesday approved a plan to award $400,000 in unrestricted operating grants from the Infusion Fund to 51 local arts and culture groups.
All eligible, arts and culture-focused organizations that applied for a grant received funding. Recipients can use the funding at their discretion, in whatever manner best supports their operations, such as renting space, training, or paying artists. To accommodate all eligible requests, the board awarded grants according to the amount requested, one-third of the applicant's operating budget, or the maximum possible allocation of $8,691, which was calculated based on the volume of eligible applications.
Eligible organizations included nonprofits and other groups working with a not-for-profit fiscal agent or sponsor. In addition, groups qualified if they were based in Charlotte and had not yet received support through the Infusion Fund. The fund is a partnership between the city, the Foundation For The Carolinas and private donors to bolster local arts and culture over three years.
"Our goal for this allocation was to quickly and equitably distribute funding to arts and culture groups in a way that would be most helpful to them," said Priya Sircar, the city's arts and culture officer. "The board's decision will have widespread impact, distributing unrestricted dollars — the most valuable but often most difficult funding to obtain — to 51 groups that have not previously had access to that type of funding. It will support their sustainability as the sector continues to recover from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic."
Recipients of Unrestricted Operating Grants in Fiscal Year 2022 ALLturnatives, $8,691 Alternative Avenues Through the Arts, Inc., $8,691 Applesauce Group, $8,691 Art Pop Street Gallery, $8,691 ArtWalks CLT, $8,691 Brand the Moth, $8,691 Caritas A Capella Ensemble, $8,333 Carolinas Asian American Chamber of Commerce Foundation, $8,691 Caroline Calouche & Co. , $8,691 Chamber Music - Calin Lupanu and Monica Boboc, $8,691 Charlotte Black Pride, $5,000 Charlotte Choir School, $8,691 Charlotte Concert Band, $6,400 Charlotte Master Chorale, $8,691 Charlotte Pride, $8,691 Charlotte Street Art Collaborative, $8,667 Charlotte Writers Club, $8,691 Charlotte Youth Ballet, $8,691 CineOdyssey Film Festival, $8,691 Comite De Fiestas Patrias Y Tradiciones De Charlotte, $8,333 CrownKeepers, $8,691 Culture Queens, $2,500 Dance Artist Alliance CLT (DAACLT), formerly Charlotte Dance Festival, $4,000 Festival in the Park, $8,691 First Ward Creative Arts Academy PTA, $3,000 Friendship Day School for the Sciences and the Arts, $8,500 Grace Chasers, $8,691 Grooming Greatness Foundation, $8,691 Joedance Film Festival, $8,691 Latin American Coalition, $8,691 Monroe Road Advocates (MoRA), $8,691 OBRA Collective, $8,691 Planet Improv, $8,691 POTIONS & PIXELS, $8,691 PowerUp USA, $8,691 Project Rough Cuts, $8,691 R Creative Collective, $1,667 Save Cedar Grove, $8,691 SBG Digital, $8,691 SISTORIES, $8,691 Stone House Art Gallery, $3,333 The Arts and Education Empowerment Program, $8,000 The Charlotte Center for the Humanities and Civic Imagination, $8,691 The Guild of Charlotte Artists, $2,000 The Matriarch Collective, $8,691 The Nouveau Sud Circus Project, $8,691 Upcycle Arts, $8,691 VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) Center, $8,691 VisArt, $8,691 We Rock Charlotte, $8,691 Youth Orchestras of Charlotte, $8,691